Fran Grey Legacy Society
“Some see an unfortunate dog sitting in a shelter . I see an angel that someone threw away.”
Fran Grey
Because of you & your support, Guardian Angel is embarking on the next 25 years of rescuing Basset Hounds.
YOU have enabled us to rescue and place over 5,000 Bassets since our inception.
YOU have enabled us to provide quality initial vet care for every Basset that we have rescued.
YOU have supported us by being a member of GABR through Basset Friends Forever and donating monthly to this cause.
Now I'm asking a favor of you one more time. Would you consider a Bequest to Guardian Angel Basset Rescue when you review your plans? Our Fran Gray Society members have already done so - I'd like to invite you to do the same. If you have already included GABR in a bequest or other planned gift, we hope you will let us know. We acknowledge and respect those who wish to remain anonymous, but we urge you to let us know of your plans on a confidential basis, as it allows GABR to plan for the future.
If you’re considering a Bequest and need more information, please email me at legacy@bassetrescue.org. If you'd prefer to call, my cell is 815-584-1044.
Thank you again for your support of GABR. Now thank you for considering this very important request.
Legacy Members
Mark Botsford
George & Kathy Bruner
Scott & Kelly Cathey
Steve & Joan Conrad
Lester L Davis, Jr.
Dan & Ginny Downs
Susan Edwards
Dr. Michele Gaspar & David Elsner
Kimberly Gorham
Vicki Hansen
Vincent & Carmen Hill
Jeffrey Jackson
Fred & Jeanne Lewin
Larry & Emmy Little
James Loomis
Liz Lynch
Paul & Cindi Magnussen
Mickey Manos
Carl & Camille Munson
Herb & Arlene Neuman
Lynette Neumann
Janet Parker
Brian Pechtold
Stephen Pincsak
Paul Post
Shawn & Terri Powers
Christopher & Valerie Reubelt
Sandra Ricketts
Karen Roppa
Mark E. Sierzega
Stephan Spickenheier & Sue Kowalczyk
Kirk & Carol VanHooser
Jeff & Kelli Zopfi
(This is not complete listing of members as some prefer to remain anonymous)