Bash & Waddle Rules

Just a few things to remember

Please make sure your Bassets are up to date on their inoculations, especially Rabies and Bordetella for Kennel Cough.

Please use common sense as to how your dogs will react. If not sure, keep them on leash.

We also recommend that you protect your dog(s) from fleas and ticks with Front-line or Nex-Guard.

There are Poop Stations along the fence supplied with bags....PLEASE USE THEM! Don't leave it for the next person to step in! Take extras with you for the Waddle route on Sunday!


Bassets and Basset Mixes only
We discourage non-bassets even if leashed due to the fact that Bassets are scent hounds and know their own breed. They will bark and chase the others as a pack. This is for the safety of all dogs.

No food allowed inside the gated area.
This policy will help prevent aggression among the dogs. You know what beggers they are.

Social dogs will be allowed off leash
Keep your basset on leash if you are uncertain about how it will react…OR if you have a puppy 8 months or younger.

Unaltered Bassets
If your basset is not neutered or spayed, please keep them on leash to prevent any dominant behavior. If we see dominant behavior by ANY dog you will be asked to leash up.

The Great American Basset Races are for Basset only
Allowing mixes might give them an unfair advantage. The other games are open to all.


Please provide your own cleanup while waddling.

Try not to bunch up in a tight crowd. The spectators want to see the dogs.

DO NOT feed your Basset or allow them to drink a lot of water right before waddling. Squirt bottles of water or crushed ice is best.

Please help us keep our park clean. Pick up after your dogs.

Thanks and have a great time waddling!